Makerspace hosts Great Get Together

The MakerSpace at Portland Works was a super venue for one of the thousands of Great Get Together events held this year around the UK inspired by the late Jo Cox MP.

Sixty people heard a lecture by Nick Duggan, an expert on Sheffield cutlery and curator of the Hawley Collection in the Kelham Island Museum, before tucking into cocktail sandwiches and afternoon fancies served by PJ Taste, all served on vintage china.

The MakerSpace was renovated by the volunteer building team at Portland Works over many months and equipped with a high-quality AV system, thanks to funding from Friends of PW and the Foyle Foundation.  It can be booked for lectures, social events and art exhibitions.

As well as remembering the work of Jo Cox and her efforts to encourage friendship between people of different backgrounds, the event also generated a profit that was divided between Portland Works and Cavendish Cancer Care.